Week Ahead

The Week Ahead 11th December 2020

24 Dec 2020

Dear parents
Welcome to this last edition of the Week Ahead for 2020. Next week, parents will receive an end of term letter, reviewing the highlights of the past three months as well as publishing several key advance dates for 2021.
I wrote last year about the power of creativity in education. The learning experiences of a child studying music, art, drama or design can be genuinely transformative, embedding not only knowledge but also developing such crucial skills as independence, problem-solving and critical thinking. A child's time at Wellington encompasses all these skills as creative subjects feature heavily in the timetable across all year groups. I am sure that our goal of nurturing inspired young people comes in large part from their exposure to such subjects. Every child has the chance to perform on stage, or exhibit work, during their time in school. One of my biggest regrets about the impact of the school closure in February and March was that performances, including that of our musical, could not be staged and we were not able to have our annual art and design exhibitions.
As a result, I am sure that parents will join me in welcoming the end of term shows next week. The gradual reopening of the school to parents and visitors, although still closely monitored and limited, means that we are finally able to host families in significant numbers for the Christmas productions over the coming days. Hundreds of Wellingtonians will take to the stage to perform songs, poems, dances and ensembles, and for the first time in almost 12 months, we will be able to share these live with parents.
As I wrote last year, the benefits to children of creativity in their education are long-established. Subjects such as music, art, design and drama are no mere luxurious add-ons. A recent British report on the impact of Covid-19 on music in schools found that "beyond the intrinsic value of studying music for its own sake, there is a plethora of evidence that studying music builds cultural knowledge, creative skills and improves children's health, wellbeing and wider educational attainment." At the same time, 68% of primary school teachers reported a decline in music in schools, with one in ten schools offering no music at all. Singing has ended in more than a third (38%) of primary schools, and instrumental lessons have ceased in almost a quarter (23%). These results indicate another of the hidden, corrosive impacts of the pandemic and the subsequent disruption to schooling around the world. Children who are restricted in their access to creative subjects lose out on a world of learning which has not only cognitive but social and emotional consequences.
The performances in the end of term shows will be recorded and distributed to parents so that even if you cannot attend in person, you will be able to share in the talent of these pupils. The shows will be a fitting end, not just to the term, but also to the limitations we have been forced to place on such events as we look to end 2020 on a much-needed high point.
Best wishes
Julian Jeffrey



Both Senior and Junior School pupil reports will be published on the last day of term and will be available through the parent portal. If you need further details on how to access this, please email



Winter Prom 2020
1930hrs-2200hrs, Saturday
12th December

The winter prom this year has been organised by the Senior School Student Council. It is in the evening (1930hrs-2200hrs) of Saturday 12th December at the St Regis hotel and is an optional event for pupils from years 10 to 13. There will be teachers supervising the event, but the pupils are responsible for their own transportation.

Christmas Concert
1800hrs, Tuesday
15th December

The first term seems to have flown by so quickly and before we know it, Christmas is fast approaching! The Music Department and pupils always get into the festive spirit every year way before the rest of the school, as preparation for various Christmas performances starts as early as September. The Christmas Concert provides a genuine performance opportunity for our young musicians to showcase their musical achievements. We look forward to seeing many of you on the day!
Buses have been arranged to drop off pupils at Yanlord, Aocheng and Meijiang after the dress rehearsal on Monday 14th December and the concert on Tuesday 15th December. There will be a bus monitor on board to supervise them.



Readers of the week

The English department would like to congratulate everyone who has been nominated as a Reader of the Week during this term. Reading regularly outside of lessons has an extremely positive impact on pupils' performance in all areas of English, so we are thrilled by all your efforts. Thank you also to all parents who have taken the time to support their children in becoming mature and confident young readers.
We are delighted to announce that the final Readers of the Week for this term are:
John R in year 8
nominated (for the second time) by Ms Chapman for his sustained commitment to reading outside of lessons and his sincere interest in discussing different aspects of literature with his peers.
Nakisha in year 8
nominated by Ms Chapman and Ms Xu (for the second time) for finishing the novel 'Coraline' over this term, alongside the mainstream English year 8 pupils.
Irene in year 10
nominated by Ms Xu for working really hard on her independent reading journey this term.
Richard and Tony in year 10
nominated by Ms Jiao for their sustained commitment to extra-curricular reading over this term.
We are delighted to have the opportunity to present all of this term's Readers of the Week with certificates in assembly on Monday and there will also be prizes awarded for those pupils with multiple nominations.
The Readers of the Week scheme will recommence in the Lent term, so make sure you do lots of reading over the Christmas break in order to be in with a chance for a nomination!



Announcing the Festival of Education 2021
Live Festival: Saturday 17th April in Tianjin 
Virtual Festival: 18th-23rd April 2021

This year's Festival of Education will feature speaking engagements with thought leaders in education. A series of presentations, workshops and panel discussions will explore the latest ideas in progressive education. The event is designed to provoke questions, stimulate thought, and initiate dialogue about the challenges faced by education in the very near future and beyond. And all this will be supported with sessions from our usual strands of enquiry to help shape an occasion that is tailor-made for teachers, educators, parents of all children and indeed anyone with an interest in education. It's a festival designed to be progressive and purposeful, and at the very cutting edge of current thinking about education. The festival includes both our Wellington and our Huili communities, with sessions in English and Chinese.


Live Festival of Education

Saturday 17th April – Tianjin


Pre-sale tickets are now available, 

scan the QR code to book your tickets soon!


Virtual Festival of Education 

Sunday to Friday 18th – 23rd April 

(Our virtual events are 

open to all)

Scan the QR code to register for

the virtual Festival of Education



Can your business support us?
We are very fortunate that many of our parents at Wellington and Huili own or play leading roles in large national and international businesses. Many of you are very kind in offering continued support from your businesses to the College. If you are in that fortunate position, one of the key ways you could aid our schools is to support for our Festival of Education. This annual event is unique in Tianjin, as we bring educators, academics and other interesting speakers to present to our parents, teachers and to guests from other schools and universities. The festival is a prestigious event and expensive to host, so we welcome support from financial sponsors and from businesses who are able to provide practical support, such as flights or hotel accommodation for our illustrious speakers. If you think you or your business may be able to help, send me an email to tianjin@festivalofeducation.cn


Monday 14 December 2020
All Day                       
Week 17 (A) (Campus)
School finishes at 1600hrs for all pupils on 14th, 15th, & 16th Dec, and 1500hrs on 17th (Campus)
11:00AM - 12:00PM     
Senior School assembly (JMS) (Theatre)
1:00PM – 2:00PM         
Junior School Milepost 2 Exit Point (MP) (TEAMS)
Tuesday 15 December 2020
Christmas concert (SSC) (Theatre)
Wednesday 16 December 2020
All Day                        
Nest pyjama day (JB) (The Nest)
Junior School Christmas show (MM) (Theatre)
2:00PM - 5:00PM          
Christmas market (PR) (Sports Hall)
UCAS applications deadline (JMS)
Thursday 17 December 2020
Junior School assembly (RA) (Theatre)                              
Michaelmas Term ends (ES)
School reports published (RA)

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