Wellington College Tianjin receives an offer from Cambridge!
Congratulations to our Year 13 pupil Herman who has won a place at the University of Cambridge to read Mathematics.

Jayne Sabio
Deputy Head of Senior School (Pastoral)
Head of Sixth Form
Head of MFL
Herman's exceptional communication skills are a testament to his dedication and perseverance. Despite being naturally introverted, he has actively sought out opportunities to help his peers with maths and collaborate with others on Eric Liddell Charity projects. When presenting his Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) on the complex topic of number theory, Herman went above and beyond to ensure that his presentation was both clear and engaging.

His extensive preparation paid off, as he delivered his ideas with a humorous flair that captivated his audience. Herman's diligence and determination are truly remarkable, and we have no doubt that he possesses the intelligence and qualities necessary to thrive at the University of Cambridge.

Daniel Traber
Head of Mathematics
Key Stage 5 Coordinator
Herman has always been one of Wellington's top pupils in maths. He has gone out of his way to do everything he possibly can to reach his potential in maths. He made sure to excel in the most advanced mathematics courses offered. Herman took every high-level mathematics competition he could, not just to show his skills, but because he wanted to encounter interesting problems.

It was always gratifying to see him finish a competition, and then spend the evening solving and researching the problems he hadn't solved just because he found them fascinating. He couldn't stop reading about mathematics, whether it was a biography, a text on university-level number theory, or an interesting set of problems. He was always reading about maths. Herman shared his love of mathematics wherever he could, including a brilliant EPQ about topics I didn't encounter until well into my degree programme. I'm so grateful and proud that Herman's love of mathematics has been recognised with an offer from Cambridge. Herman will love every second of learning at Cambridge.
Meanwhile, we are eagerly awaiting more university offers for our pupils from all over the world.
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